My Toolcat

Because the machine was a demonstrator with 350 hours on it, I was able to buy it for $30,000, not including sales tax, which is quite a bit less than the list price. The used combo bucket cost $1,350.
This is a great machine! In the past I have owned a number of small tractors with various attachments including a backhoe and front end loaders. None could do what this machine is capable of. In addition, it is very safe to operate. The operator and one passenger sit in comfortable seats completely enclosed and protected from the weather.
The Bobtach attachment system makes it a snap to switch attachments. Much easier than a three point hitch on a tractor.
And my local dealer has a wide variety of attachments for rent at reasonable prices. So I can rent an auger for $50 a day or soil conditioner for $105 a day. If I don't mind waiting a few days, there is no charge for delivery and pickup of the rented attachment.
Of course, after nine months of owning my Toolcat, I have learned a few things. Including some actual and potential problem areas that other owners might want to consider. I'll be covering what I have learned in future postings and your comments or opinions are invited.